Sheryl Batchelor
CEO, Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corporation
Harris Eyre
Harris Eyre, M.D., Ph.D., has worked as a physician, scientist, entrepreneur, executive services provider, author, new economic and finance thinker, and neuroscience communicator. Currently, he is a Harry Z. Yan and Weiman Gao Senior Fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute. He leads the Brain Capital Alliance and has adjunct roles with UCSF and Baylor College of Medicine and Deakin University and has advisory roles with UC Berkeley, Stanford, MD Anderson Cancer Center and The University of Sydney. Eyre is the lead editor of the book Convergence Mental Health (Oxford University Press).
Harris is a brain capital builder working to boost global brain health and brain skills. Harris believes the world increasingly relies on brain capital, where a premium is put on brain skills and health (e.g., an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and social brain resources). Investing in building brain capital is fundamental to meet modern societal challenges and drive innovation. He leads the development of the brain capital field and seeks to place it at the centre of economics, policy, finance, and technology.
Quazi Haque
Chief Medical Officer and Executive Operational Director, Elysium Healthcare & Global Mental Health & Brain Science CoP Lead, Ramsay Healthcare
Quazi trained in medicine at King’s College in London and completed his LLM with distinction. Having initially trained to specialize in neurology, he was drawn toward forensic psychiatry following influential placements at the Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard, Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, and Broadmoor Hospital. Over the years he has held senior academic positions at the Institute of Psychiatry and currently the University of London. Quazi is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and chaired the Royal College of Psychiatrists Quality Network for six years. He is the current President/CEO of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, a leading global academic health network. He is an award-winning researcher and author. His academic interests have typically centred around quality improvement and risk assessment, being fortunate to collaborate with valued experts and friends across many countries. He is passionate about improving healthcare services, from an international perspective, across a range of physical & mental health specialties.
As a founding director of Elysium Healthcare, he has worked alongside CEO, Joy Chamberlain, to establish Elysium as a leading collaborative partner to the NHS in the field of mental health and neurological services.
He currently chairs the Ramsay Global Mental Health Community of Practice spearheading innovation in psychiatry and neuroscience. Quazi has extensive experience of digitally led care and is passionate about ensuring innovation in this sector is accessible and equitable to all patients and their families.
Michael Hogan
Convenor, Thriving Qld Kids Partnership
Jo-An Occhipinti
Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Co-Director, Mental Wealth Initiative
Associate Professor Jo-An Occhipinti is an esteemed epidemiologist and systems scientist whose pioneering work has established her as a leader in addressing public health and social policy issues and safeguarding the future of work amidst complex global challenges that threaten the Mental Wealth of nations. As a Principal Research Fellow, she is Head of Systems Modelling, Simulation & Data Science and Co-Director of the Mental Wealth Initiative at the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre and is the Managing Director of Computer Simulation & Advanced Research Technologies (CSART).
Dr Michelle Tempest
Partner, Candesic